Kol Hai Supports the journey of the soul

Kol Hai conveys the sacred by weaving musical rituals, contemplative practices, and devotional encounters that draw from the wellsprings of Jewish mysticism. With offerings that are embodied, multigenerational, and ecological, Kol Hai nourishes the inner life, inspires communal life, and repairs our relationship to planet Earth.

We aim to be:

  • Multigenerational in that we weave the wisdom of the village. We transcend the siloing that happens in our society to embrace a richly textured mosaic of life experiences. We honor the gifts throughout all stages of life, cultivate intergenerational interaction, and create meaningful rites of passage. We are all student-teachers with a unique Torah for sacred study.
  • Ecological in that we are partners in the stewardship of creation. Inspired by the ethics of permaculture, we strive to design a balance between earth care, people care, and fair share. Starting in our own backyard, we strengthen nature connections, learning to see all land as holy land. We’re interested in growing edges — those intersections at the margins of groups, regions, and niches where life, vitality, diversity, and novelty flourish.
  • Embodied in that we’re hands-on and hearts-in. We model our commitment to life through Jewish practices that generate hope and help us to overcome disenchantment: prayer, study, and communal projects that are meaningful, joyful, relevant, healing, authentic, and challenging. We do sober self-assessment and engage in ecstatic service. We discover ourselves and each other through creative expression, reflection, and seasonal celebrations.