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More Love
The new moon this weekend signals the beginning of the Jewish calendar month of Elul. Every morning at this time we can try to hear the cry of the shofar (ram's horn) — practicing our listening, softening our way towards sensing the prayer that precedes language — in preparation for the new year celebrations of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
אֲנִי לְדוֹדִי וְדוֹדִי לִי

Elul is an acronym for a verse from the Song of Songs often translated as “I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine.” Listening is the deepest intimacy. Intimacy flourishes with a commitment to presence.

So I have a request.

Will you commit to forty days of loving yourself in a concrete way? Can you vow to five minutes of silent stillness? Will you recite the Sh'ma and Ve'ahavta daily? Will you go outside to be alone with yourself and nature?

Whatever you commit to doing, however small, let's do it together for the sake of more love.

Click here to commit to 40-days of self love ♥
Join us for Shabbat Friday, August 17th and Sarina's baby naming Saturday, August 18th.
Keep scrolling for High Holy Days registration and an Elul music video!
Check out Darshan's Elul-themed music video Know Return.


Kol Hai: New Paltz Jewish Renewal Community · New Paltz, NY 12561, United States
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