The seven-week period between Passover and Shavuot is known as the Counting of the Omer, or Sefirat HaOmer, or "the Omer" for short. An omer is a measure of grain. This ancient agricultural holiday has transformed over the years to become a Kabbalistic practice and has gained traction throughout the progressive Jewish world and an inspirational contemplative time with myriad resources for renewed practice. Below are some of our favorite resources.

Sefirat HaOmer Niggun

by Shir Yaakov Feit, Zach Fredman, & Yosef Goldman

A melody to prepare to say the blessing.

Omer Calendar of Biblical Women

by Jill Hammer

Journey alongside 49 women from the Torah and Midrash. Read online at Ritual Well or download the Kindle edition.

The Outdoor Omer

by Sarah Gabriel

A 49-day practice designed to awaken new connections between you and the rest of the natural world.

Additional Resources


Shir and Emily Feit


Shir Yaakov is Kol Hai's founder and spiritual director.