Kol Hai is starting a school this September — a place to explore the natural and spiritual roots of Jewish heritage, Hebrew language, cultural traditions, and the inner life. We will learn together in an atmosphere of song and silence, of nature-based play and prayer, and in the sharing of Bar and Bat Mitzvahs, and other lifecycle events. We envision activities inspired by the Wilderness Torah curriculum, hands-on ritual craft, culinary arts, creative writing, visual arts, and more.
We invite you to help create an inspiring community-based, heart-centered, earth-aware school.
The Tachlis (“details”), or: What We Know So Far
• Our school will likely meet Tuesday nights from 4-6:30 pm.
• The first half of our time together will be for kids only, followed by a family-style potluck meal where the learning and weaving of community continues.
• We will meet in a convenient location in downtown New Paltz.
• We will have teachers for multiple age groups, as well as visiting specialists who will support Shir Yaakov and the Education Circle.
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