Healing, inspired, and spiritual High Holiday encounters. Join us and co-create your vision for a New Year in our warm and welcoming community.
All events, except for the Day Two Hike, will be at the High Meadow School, 3643 Main Street, Stone Ridge, NY 12484.
Childcare is provided for kids over 4 during all services at High Meadow School. Kids under 4 can be in the kidcare area with their own adult supervision.
Having trouble registering using this page? Please try directly on the Eventbrite website: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/high-holy-days-5780-2019-registration-70498205029
Registration appears at the bottom of this page...
Rosh HashanahSunday 9/29 Erev Rosh Hashanah Monday 9/30 Rosh Hashanah: Music and Meditation, Torah and Turning Tuesday 10/1 Rosh Hashanah: Contemplative Hike, Shofar, and Tashlich |
Yom KippurTuesday 10/8 Yom Kippur Begins Wednesday 10/9 Yom Kippur |
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